How to Get Permanent Marker Off Skin Without Alcohol?

How to Get Permanent Marker Off Skin Without Alcohol?

How to Get Permanent Marker Off Skin Without Alcohol?

A permanent marker is naturally a tough stain to treat. There are some things you can do to it remove it but an immediate result is not always guaranteed.

These permanent marker stains can easily be removed by alcohol rubbing but unfortunately rubbing alcohol on the skin can burn the skin. You should not use alcohol to remove the permanent marker stains from your skin.

If you are a working person in college or university then definitely you can face the problem of stain on your hands or skin. Most of the children love to have tattoos on their face and it becomes a big issue to remove it. Because a permanent marker stain could not easily be removed from the skin.

You can get permanent marker off the skin without alcohol by using salt scrub, dilute bleach, toothpaste, mouthwash, lemon, vinegar, and by applying baking soda.

Due to the sensitivity of skin alcohol rubbing can harmful to remove the stain from the skin. People use to ask me about that how can they remove the permanent marker stain from the skin easily without alcohol.

How to Get Permanent Marker Off Skin Without Alcohol?

I explained all these home remedies in this article; you can use one of these methods to remove the mark of the permanent marker from the skin.

These ingredients are available in every household that can use to remove or fade the stains easily and quickly by using them.

Naturally, it takes 2 to 3 days to remove the permanent marker but if you want to fade it out quickly then defiantly these methods will help you out. But do not use the ingredients to remove the scars that damage your skin and put you in another trouble.

By using Dilute bleach

Bleach plays an important role in fading out the scars of the marker but you should not apply it directly on the skin it can harmful for the skin you can use it by diluting the bleach.

Bleach contains antioxidant property that helps to lighten the skin and lighten the stain from the permanent marker.

Take 2 tablespoons of bleach into 1 cup of water or you can say 1 part of bleach into 5 parts of water and make it diluted.

  • Take cotton balls and soak them into this solution.
  • Now rub these cotton balls on the scars to fade the mark.
  • Rub it until marker color coverts into cotton balls.
  • It will fade out the color of permanent marker.
  • Do not use on the face or sensitive parts of the body of the children.
  • It could be harmful to children but not as harmful as alcohol can be.

Salt scrub method

This method is a natural and useful method to remove permanent marker stain on your skin. This method can use in both children and adults and it is free from any kind of harm. Anyone can use it on the marked area and by this scrub mark will be fade out within a day.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of salt and add it into a little amount of water.
  • add it into the water in this way that it makes a fine paste that can easily apply on the skin.
  • It will give you a salt scrub that will exfoliate the skin and will remove the marked layer of permanent marker.
  • Apply this paste on the marked area and scrub gently for 15 minutes with your fingers. But do not rub harshly, just gently exfoliate the skin.
  • After exfoliating wash your skin with warm water.
  • It will not make the skin clear but it will fade out the upper layer of permanent marker.
  • It is a very feasible method to use.

By applying Olive oil:

Natural essential oils are very useful for all kinds of skin problems. These oils are available in all households. Coconut oil or olive oil is very useful to treat the scars of permanent marker. Coconut oil acts as an antioxidant and helps to lighten the skin.

  • Take a little amount of oil on your hand and apply it on the marked of permanent marker.
  • Allow it to massage on that area of skin.
  • Olive oil helps to bind the epidermis of the skin and removes the dirt from the skin.
  • After massaging on certain area take a tissue paper or cotton to clear it off.
  • Wipe off your skin with cotton, it will fade off the skin nicely.
  • This home remedy is very useful because it gives no harm to the skin.

By using baking soda paste:

Baking soda is very effective to get permanent marker off skin. It is a very effective method to use that helps you out without giving damage to the skin.

Alcohol or other ingredients are used to remove scars or stain on the surface but they are not safe for the skin. So for skin baking soda is a very effective method.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl and add a sufficient amount of water in it.
  • Add enough water in baking soda that makes a paste to apply.
  • Now apply this paste on the marked area and apply it in a circular motion for 15 minutes.
  • You will see the results; the marked area will be clear within 15 minutes.
  • Wash the skin with mild soap and dry it and then moisturize your skin.
  • For best results, you can make a paste of baking soda with toothpaste.

Use banana peel:

Many of the experts suggested that banana peel act as a cleansing agent. It is very efficient for the cleansing of skin it removes all kinds of dirt. It is also handy in getting permanent marker off the skin.

  • Take a banana peel but make sure that banana should be ripe.
  • Now rub it on the scar area in a circular motion for few minutes until the ink of the marker starts removing.
  • Now wipe the skin with a dry towel or cotton paper.
  • Then take another banana peel and apply it in the same way.
  • Then wipe the skin and wash it off.
  • Repeat this process for 3 to 4 times until the mark of the permanent marker fades out.

By soaking marked skin in water tub:

We are going towards natural ways to remove the scars that are free from chemicals. So the water bath is a very useful and helpful process to remove the scars of the skin. Soak your skin into a bathing tub until the ink starts removing.

But due to permanent marker skin does not remove easily from the skin. So add salt or baking powder in the bathing tub and allow it to soak. This will help to get permanent marker off skin at home.

  • By adding salt or baking soda permanent marker ink removes rapidly.
  • You can also use hot water to bath your marked skin for effective removing of scars.

Baby oil for removing stains on your skin:

This method is very helpful to remove scars from baby skin. Baby skin is sensitive as compare to adults so it is necessary to remove scars with light ingredients. Baby oil collects the oil from the skin and helps in removing the mark of the permanent marker on your skin.

  • Take a little amount of baby oil on the marked skin.
  • Apply it gently and leave it for a while and then wipe it with a washcloth or towel.
  • It will not remove completely the scars but it will clear the upper layer of a scar.
  • Repeat this process 2 to 3 times for proper cleaning of the skin.
  • It is very feasible for children who have tattoos on their skin.

Apply sunscreen to remove maker stains:

Many of the sunscreens contain ingredients that help in removing the scars. These sunscreen vanishes the skin and makes skin flawless, These kind of sunscreen are also helpful to remove marked area.

  • Take a little amount of sunscreen on the marked area and spread it well and massage it.
  • Now leave it to absorb the ink of the marker and then wipe it off with a wash towel.
  • It will fade out the mark. Repeat this process and it will remove permanent marker from the skin easily.

By using toothpaste:

Toothpaste act ac exfoliant to remove the scars. It acts as an antioxidant and removes the scars of the permanent marker. Toothpaste is a very effective method to fade out scars. Toothpaste and mouth wash is very helpful and you can also use baking soda in it to take vanishing effect.

  • Apply a little amount of toothpaste on the marked area and wait for a while until it absorbs the ink.
  • Now gently rub it on the skin and then wipe it off with a towel.
  • This will remove the layer of the marker and will lighten the mark.
  • Now apply a little amount of mouthwash on it and allow it to absorb.
  • The property mouthwash obtains absorbs the ink of permanent marker and allow it to remove the scars.
  • If it does not work in the first attempt then repeat the process for taking rapid results.

Shaving cream:

Shaving creams are also easily available in every household. Shaving creams soften the skin den helps to remove the scars of the skin. These creams are the combination of oil and soap, due to both of these ingredients; it is very effective against permanent marker stains.

  • Apply a little amount on permanent marker scars and allow it to absorb.
  • Massage it for 15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.
  • Dry skin with a towel it will fade off the layer.
  • Repeat the process for better results.

Hydrogen peroxide:

Hydrogen peroxide is a cleaning agent and it is pretty useful to remove scars. It acts as antiseptic and uses to treat burns and cuts. You can use it with diluting water or can use it directly; it is a very cheap and effective stain remover.

It absorbs the stains and removes it perfectly from the skin.

Dilute hydrogen peroxide with water and wash your stain with this.

It will fade out the marked by using it 2 to 3 times.

Apply lemon juice:

Lemon is also very effective against the marks of the permanent marker. Lemon juice acts as an antioxidant and helps to light the darkening of the skin. Due to this property permanent marker marks can easily remove by applying lemon juice.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and apply it on the marked area.
  • Leave it for 15 minutes on the skin or rub it with cotton balls.
  • You will see that cotton balls starting the color of the marker.
  • Rinse it off with warm water and dry it with a towel.
  • Repeat this process and it will give a clear skin.

Apply vinegar to get permanent marker off skin:

Vinegar is very effective against the permanent marker because of its acidic nature. Due to its acidic nature vinegar helps to remove scars. It also acts as antiseptic.

  • Take 2 – 3 tablespoons of vinegar into half a cup of boiled water.
  • Take cotton balls and soak them in this solution.
  • Now apply these cotton balls to remove the permanent marker smudge.
  • Leave it for 15 minutes and then sponge the area and rinse it off.
  • It will fade off the marked area on your skin.
  • You can also add baking soda or salt in this mixture to make effective results.

By applying milk:

Milk is also pretty helpful to remove marks of the permanent marker from skin. Milk removes the scars easily without giving any harm to the skin.

  • Soak cotton balls in milk and use these cotton balls to remove the marks.
  • Wipe soaked cotton on the scars until ink absorbs into the cotton.
  • Then wash your skin. It will fade out the marks.
  • Repeat this process 2 to 3 times for good results.

Warnings: Follow these precautions when you Remove Permanent Marker Off Skin without Alcohol

Here are some warnings to uses these natural ways to get permanent marker off the skin without alcohol.

  • If there is any kind of wound near the mark so be careful during applying baking soda and salt because it can irritate the skin.
  • If marked area is not fading out then do not be harsh.
  • Do not scrub the skin too hard it can cause damage to the skin.
  • Avoid using alcohol or nail polish remover on the skin to remove marks because it can harm the skin.

All these methods are very helpful to get permanent marker off the skin without using alcohol. You can choose any of them to use to remove the mark of the permanent marker from the skin.

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