How to Treat Dandruff During Pregnancy

How to Treat Dandruff During Pregnancy

How to Treat Dandruff During Pregnancy?

An itchy and flaky scalp is often the result of dandruff. You may experience the appearance of white flakes in your hair with a dry scalp. Dandruff is the condition of the scalp that results from a fungal infection. 

There are many ways to get rid of dandruff, however, during pregnancy, you have to be extra careful. You do not want to take oral medicines that may affect your baby. Dermatologists in collaboration with Dr. Yusma, Gynecologist discussed in detail before writing this article.

Let s start our discussion:

A few methods that can be used to treat dandruff during pregnancy: Using anti-dandruff shampoo containing ketoconazole or selenium sulfide, adding Zinc to your diet, tea tree oil, sea salt scrub, medicated conditioner and avoiding sun rays Avoid using oral anti-fungal medicines during pregnancy.

You may experience aggressive dandruff during pregnancy and one of the main reasons here is the hormonal change that is making your scalp dry and itchy.

How to Treat Dandruff During Pregnancy?

Now, coming to the main topic for today that is how to treat dandruff when you are pregnant. Thankfully this is treatable and just by using methods explained below you will have less dandruff and better scalp.

Manage Stress

This is important, during pregnancy many girls feel stressful that leads to increased levels of dandruff with itchy and dry scalp. You should stay relaxed and do not be stressed with your pregnancy.

This is normal and pregnancy often brings stress, you have to manage this and staying calm and positive will have a decent chance in your hair.

Eat Vitamins Rich Food

Do not eat fast foods with high fatty acids, eat organic and drink more water. Adding zinc in your diet is recommended, you can always select fruits and vegetables high in Zinc and vitamins. Staying hydrated is another important aspect, you should drink plenty of water. Experts recommend adding an extra glass of water every day, with a cup of water before and after sleep is essential. 

Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

This is important to use as you may not be able to use oral antifungal medications during pregnancy. You can use a good quality anti-dandruff shampoo that helps to reduce dandruff. 

Below is the recommended treatment from Rook’s Text Book of Dermatology.

Shampoos containing Ketoconazole are considered first-line therapy for dandruff on the scalp. You can also use shampoos containing Selenium Sulphide to get off dandruff during pregnancy. Use these medicated shampoos once or twice of the week according to the condition of your scalp. 

You can buy Nizoral Anti-dandruff shampoo from Amazon.

Medicated shampoos with Zinc or Salicylic Acid are beneficial for treating dandruff and itchy scalp. 

Mineral Oil

You can also use Topical Keratolytic or mineral oil and this will help to remove scale and crusts from the scalp.

Massage your scalp with coconut oil or olive oil and let it stay for a couple of hours before washing with a medicated shampoo. Use of a medicated hair conditioner is recommended every time you wash your hair with a shampoo. Do not overuse hair drier, let your hair dry naturally.

Vitamin B Complex

Adding vitamins in daily routine and B Complex Vitamins will boost your skin and you will notice less dandruff and a positive impact on your hair during pregnancy.

Click here to buy Vitamin B Complex Capsules from Amazon.

Avoid Sunrays

Avoid sun rays, these rays are harmful to our skin and scalp. Staying in sunny outdoors will eventually damage your skin and hair, and may increase dandruff. Drink more water when working outdoors and keep your head protected with a cap or any cloth.

Use Tea Tree Oil for Dandruff during Pregnancy

Using Tea Tree Oil is also beneficial to treat dandruff during pregnancy. Take a decent amount of Tea tree oil and gently massage directly over your scalp, doing it on a regular basis will give good results. You will notice less dandruff with healthy hair and scalp.

You can buy Tea Tree Oil from Amazon.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Using Apple Cider Vinegar, this is being used by girls for decades. Simple take a good quality product and apply a decent amount of Apple cider vinegar directly to your scalp. Wash it away after 30 minutes. This will enhance your skin cells and you will notice less dandruff and itchy skin.

Buy from Amazon.

Aloe Vera Oil

Massaging with Aloe Vera oil or gel directly on your scalp will bring shine and glow to your itchy scalp. Take the oil and massage your scalp with fingers for 10 – 15 minutes, gently all over your head.

Let it stay for 1 hour and then wash it with cold water. Using hot water for a hair wash on a regular basis will damage your scalp and may enhance dandruff.

Click here to check price at Amazon.

Use Sea Salt

Using sea salt on your scalp for dandruff will have a good result. You can apply sea salt directly on your scalp and then gently scrub before washing it away with anti-dandruff shampoo.

This will exfoliate your scalp and help boost new skin cells formation. Sea salt is known to man for decades and it is a blessing of nature for girls hair.

Reasons for Dandruff During Pregnancy

There is a variety of reasons that can cause dandruff during pregnancy. Here, our editors have explained all the reasons:

Increased Oil Production:

You may experience more oil production on your scalp. This is because of the hormonal changes and your skin becomes more sensitive. This results in a more oily scalp that leads to increased dead skin cells that eventually cause dandruff during pregnancy.

Increased Sensitivity of Skin: 

During pregnancy because of hormonal changes, your skin will be more sensitive. Normal micro-organisms present on your skin may start responding to sensitive skin resulting in an allergic reaction leading to the dry and itchy scalp with dandruff.

Allergic Reaction to Hair Care Products: 

Now this is interesting, your skin may respond normal towards many hair care products but this may change during pregnancy.  If you are pregnant you may be more sensitive to many chemical agents in hair care products like shampoos, conditioners, hair sprays, and oils, etc.

Your skin may start shedding skin cells if there is an allergic reaction. Even very gentle products may be sensitive and cause an allergic reaction on your scalp. You can use a sulfate-free shampoo in such conditions.

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