Why is My Skin Red After Being in the Sun?

Why is My Skin Red After Being in the Sun?

Why is My Skin Red After Being in the Sun?

Skin is the very thin layer made of tissues that make the outer covering of the body of every human being, animal, or any other living organism. It is the main part of the body, and it is the largest organ of the body. Skin has many layers main are dermis and the epidermis.

Your skin will become red after being in the Sun because of skin darkening, sun damage, sun allergy, sun poisoning, and sunburn. If you spend more time in the sun, your skin will lose moisturize that will lead to dry and cracked skin with red bumps.

Skin has direct contact with the outer environment. Skin suffers all the temperatures and all crest trough of the environment directly. When skin gets in contact with the sun, the rays emitting from the sun cause various actions on the skin that produce a damaging effect on the skin due to which skin may get red or itchy.

Why is My Skin Red After Being in the Sun?

If you are exposing yourself to the sun, your skin may get damaged. One of the main side-effects are redness f the skin. Sitting in the sun may cause various problems; few are described as follow:


When the skin gets direct exposure to the sun, it starts producing more melanin than the required quantity for the protection of the skin’s lower layer from damage. As the skin damaged, it produces more quantity of melanin. This extra quantity of melanin causes the color in some people to become darker or tan. 


Where it causes color to become darker in some people. In the same way, it turns the color red in other people. That red color is the sign of sunburn. This redness leads to serious other issues of skin.

This redness occurs due to the extra supply of blood towards the damaged area. Due to direct exposure to the sun, the skin damaged. As a result of this damage, the body starts supplying more blood towards the damaged area due to which the skin becomes red.


This is a severe form of sun allergy. In this condition, the reaction of sun allergy looks like a widespread skin rash. This skin rash is of red color. This red patch is highly itchy. This itchy patch further leads to small bumps that look like the hives.

Sun poisoning is a severe form of the sun’s reaction on the skin; it must be taken seriously, and it needs a physician’s attention; otherwise, the condition becomes worse. 


Sunburn is a common reason for red skin, and it results due to spending too much time under the sun. It forms when the sun get direct exposure to the sun without any protection. The ultraviolet rays emitting from the sun are very harmful to the skin. 

These rays basically damage skin damage; in this damage, various issues occur like redness of skin, itching, etc. 

The main symptoms of the sunburn are tenderness, the peel of the skin starts removing, itching starts, and the blisters formed.


Red bumps are formed on the skin when the skin gets direct exposure with the sunlight. It is the main symptom of sun allergy. Sometimes spots also formed on the skin that is not a happening that you need to worry about it. 


Photosensitivity means sensitivity to the light. It is the term used to explain the sensitivity of the skin against light and ultraviolet rays of sun. Sun allergy is the result of the immune system against the sunlight, most commonly itchy red skin and the rash. In a few cases, the reaction of the skin may get more worsen, and it produces hives and small blisters that spread to whole skin via clothed area. 

Most commonly, they are located on the ‘V’ of the neck, the back of the hands, and outside the surface of the arms and lower legs. Sun allergy does not occur in all people who come under the sun; it occurs in those people who are sensitive to the sunlight. Their skin is not able to protect itself from the rays emitting from the sun; as a result, various reactions have occurred. 

These reactions are severe in most cases, and in some cases, they are mild. Professionals and great scientists are unable to explain the exact cause of the development of sun allergy. They believe that in most of the cases, sun allergy may be an inherited issue that run from races to races.

Most common types of sun allergies produced after being in the sun:


Large itchy red bumps convert into solar urticaria. This is the rare form of the hive when the person gets exposed to the direct sunlight. Ultraviolet rays from the sun are the basic cause of solar urticaria. Among all the sun-related problems, solar urticaria is a long term problem that can cause severe problems. It is a rare condition that occurs most commonly in young women.

This skin disease starts from the very mild bumps; when these bumps do not get the proper treatment, they are converted into a severe form that is solar urticaria that means skin disruption due to sun.


A person gets this allergy at that part of the body where he or she uses sunscreens or other products. When getting direct exposure to the sun, he or she develops skin rashes, headache, nausea, chill, itching. 

In this type of reaction, skin allergy is initiated by the effect of sunlight fallen on the skin where beauty products are applied. These beauty products are a combination of various chemicals, and the sun emits ultraviolet rays.

 These ultraviolet rays from the sun and chemicals of the beauty products interact with each other. Their interaction causes itching on the skin; this itchy skin results in rashes and then pain in rashes etc. If initially, these effects cannot be treated, it results in severe reaction.


In this type of allergy, person experiences bumps that are white and itchy when getting direct exposure to the sun. There is also redness on the skin and also has burning sensations, swelling, and blisters.

It is the second most common skin disease which occurs when the skin exposed to the sun. The sufferers most commonly visit physicians when they feel common sunburn. It occurs mostly in persons whose skin is very sensitive. 

It occurs most commonly, almost about 10% to 15% in the American population. It affects the people of all races and has an ethnic background. By PMLE, women are more affected than men. Most commonly, the symptoms appeared usually in the early time period of life i-e at a young age. 

This disease is also climate specific somehow because it occurs most commonly in the summer and spring season. In a few cases, rashes of PMLE occurs every spring season immediately after the time which spends outside under the sun.

PMLE occurs with severe intensity during the spring season, and as the springs end and summer starts, its intensity starts decreasing gradually.  


In this disease, bumpy rash that are small, red, and inflamed formed on the body of the sufferer. Furthermore, rashes are very itchy and formed most commonly on the skin wounds, exposed to raw skin. The most affected area of the body is face, lips, etc. The patient feels chills, headache, and fever.

This is a hereditary skin disease inherited from the polymorphous light eruption (PMLE) that was present mostly in the persons who have an American Indian background. The symptoms of Actinicprurigo is worse than PMLE. This disease occurs in the early stages of life i-e during childhood or adolescence. This disease occurs in several generations of each family.

This disease occurs from parents to children than grandchildren and further so on because this is a hereditary disease. It moves from genes to genes. It is a very rare sunlight-induced, pruritic, or nodular eruption of the skin. Sometimes it is also known as photodermatosis that develops in the early age of life in childhood, and it will remain persistent and become chronic throughout life.

Above are the skin problems that occur mainly due to the sitting under the skin. These problems occur mainly in persons whose skin is sensitive. These problems can easily be treated when diagnosed at the initial level when these problems remain persistent, and it will become the cause of serious issues and infections. 

If someone feels itching or rash, immediately wash the skin with water limit your time outdoors during day time when the sun is at its peak. Wear long pants, a shirt or full sleeves, and a hat to cover the full body so that skin cannot be exposed directly due to the skin. Use sunblock and sun protection factor at least at 30n or above 30 with the broad spectrum of protection against the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

If the problem persists, then must visit the physician and follow proper care plans and take proper medication he/she prescribed. So that the skin diseases can beat and person lead a normal life.

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