How to do microneedling on stretch marks?

How to do microneedling on stretch marks?

There are many ways to get rid of stretch marks. Some of these remedies are known as home remedies but some remedies require more expertise. One of these procedures is micro-needling. This process is one of the most effective methods to get rid of stretch marks. Micro-needling is a procedure in which there is an induction of collagen in the skin. The process of micro-needling consider as a cosmetic procedure.

The process of micro-needling involves the insertion of collagen inside the areas where there are stretch marks. Now the point here is that what stretch marks are. There is a need of understanding that stretch marks are different from the aging scars. That is why the treatment is different for the healing of stretch marks as compared to the scars or wrinkles due to aging.

How to do microneedling on stretch marks? The process of micro-needling involves hundreds of needles for the induction of collagen in the skin. These needles used for the compensation and healing of the stretch marks. The skin becomes clear and heals from the stretch marks after micro-needling.

These stretch marks can be due to any surgery or due to stitches. These stretch marks can be anywhere on the skin like mostly on the abdomen and below the abdominal area.

The most important point regarding micro-needling is that it requires expertise. You should consult a good dermatologist if you are considering micro-needling as a procedure for stretch marks. The process of micro-needling involves the needles. There must be proper experts’ professional staff for the controlling of these needles.

How to do micro-needling on stretch marks?

The whole process of micro-needling requires expertise and time. You should not go for micro-needling by yourself. Instead of this try to find a good dermatologist, he or she might tell you the proper way and time for doing the micro-needling.

Micro-needling for stretch marks is one of the most effective techniques. This technique is so beneficial for the stretch marks. The whole procedure helps in healing and covering the stretch marks.

The process of micro-needling is very critical and that is why it requires multiple tools and equipments. Sometimes the process involves one or two types of equipment. The process of micro-needling is a process of mechanical and technical effort.


Dermaroller is an equipment that can be used for the healing and recovery of the stretch marks. Although the process of derma rolling is critical. The process requires the expertise during the whole duration. Dermaroller is an equipment which is used for the stretch marks. It depends on the requirement as well as the consultation of the dermatologist that you should go through with derma-rolling or not.

Dermatologist can tell that which size and shape of derma rollers should use by the person who is going through the process of micro-needling. These derma rollers are available in the market. These derma rollers are present in various sizes and shapes. Even there are various colors of these derma rollers.

There are different instructions for different kinds of marks. Whenever you are using a derma roller for stretch marks there is the specific size for that. Approximately 1.5 to 2.0 mm of derma roller is very good for the stretch marks. These derma rollers work with the same process and help to insert the collagen in the skin. This collagen is a protein. This protein is inserted inside the stretch marks of the skin.

Needles of derma roller

As the whole process of micro-needling involves thousands of needles. The same is goes for derma rollers. The derma roller is a machine that contains a lot of needles inside the surface of the derma roller. This derma roller helps in the needling and hence improving the skin. These needles help in the insertion of collagen properly and appropriately removes the scars. 

How to use a derma roller for removing stretch marks?

There are various precautions and some steps through which you can use a derma roller. Some of these steps are as follows. First of all disinfection of the derma roller, washing of face, cream application for numbness, derma-rolling, washing of face after derma rolling, 

Clean and disinfect the derma roller after derma rolling, do your basic skincare.

Disinfection of the derma roller

The first step when you are doing micro-needling with the help of a derma roller. You must disinfect your derma roller. For this purpose, you should use isopropyl alcohol. Add a small quantity of isopropyl alcohol in a bowl. Then put your derma roller in that bowl. Soak your derma roller in the bowl. The time of soaking must be five to ten minutes.

Cleaning the skin

If you are using the derma roller on the skin you must clean and wash your face. Washing your face before micro-needling is very important. So is the case with the other parts of the skin. Wherever you are using the derma roller, before using the derma roller, wash that area.

More than 0.5 mm of derma roller requires the washing of the area with isopropyl alcohol. This is one of the most important demands when this kind of micro-needling is carried out.

Cream application for numbness

After washing the area there is a need to apply the cream on that area. That cream will cause numbness in that area. The important point here is that if there is a requirement of application only then applies the cream. It only depends on the tolerance level of the person.

If you can bear pain then there is no need to apply the cream. But if you do not have that capacity to bear pain, the application of this anesthetic cream is necessary. If you are using a needle of 1.0 mm then there is an extreme need for using the anesthetic cream.

Because the needles can cause bleeding.If you are using anesthetic cream. Then you need to follow the instructions of your dermatologist. Before rolling the skin there is a need to wipe this cream from the area.

Complete the process of derma rolling

Before starting the process of derma rolling you need to understand that there must have a complete comprehension of the process.

For the process, if derma rolling divide your face in proper ways. Then start the derma rolling. 

Roll the derma roller in one direction at least six to eight times. This rolling depends on the skin tone and sensitivity of the skin. If small rashes and redness appear on the skin, slow down the process of rolling. Rolling should be carried out in one direction.

Rolling must be carried out until unless the whole area treated. By this process, the stretch marks can be appropriately removed from the skin. Derma rolling is one of the most beneficial and effective way of micro-needling. Through this way, the stretch marks can be removed from the skin. After one time of rolling, repeat the process.

Rolling on the already rolled area increases the activity of needles. The area should be treated with repeated micro-needling through the derma roller. The process should end after at least twelve times of rolling on the stretch marks.

Washing of face after derma rolling

After the whole process of micro-needling, there is an extreme need to wash the area where you have done micro-needling. The washing should carry out with plain water. There is no need to use any kind of soap or face wash. Just wash the face with the help of plain water.

Wash the face after micro-needling with simple water. Do not drag hands on your face in a very harsh way. The skin is already sensitive after micro-needling. That is why there is an extreme need to treat the face with extreme care. You can use probiotics for quick healing of your skin.

Clean and disinfect the derma roller after derma rolling

After the completion of the process. There is a need to clean and disinfect the derma roller clearly and carefully. For this purpose again you need seventy percent isopropyl alcohol. By taking isopropyl alcohol in the bowl soak your derma roller in this bowl for at least ten minutes. This will help the cleaning and disinfection of the derma roller.  

Do your basic skincare

After the process of micro-needling on the stretch marks through the help of derma roller. You should carry out your daily basic skincare routine. There is no need to use any kind of chemicals and exfoliators. Clean the skin and keep it clean after the micro-needling.

Allow the redness of the skin to calm down. The rashes will disappear after some time. If they do not disappear then consult your dermatologist about this problem. 

Enhancement of effect of micro-needling

After the whole process of micro-needling on the stretch marks increase the skincare routine. For this purpose, you should consult with your dermatologist. After the process of micro-needling on the stretch marks, you should use products which contain vitamin c inside them.

The essential ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbic phosphate increases the activity of the skincare. Products which contain niacinamide and hyaluronic acid increase the epidermal growth. Try to use these products after micro-needling on stretch marks.

Here is some information regarding the micro-needling on stretch marks, about its methods and procedure for enhancement of effects. I hope this data will help you in the best possible way.

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