Why is the Skin Behind My Ears Dry?

Why is the Skin Behind My Ears Dry?

Why is the Skin Behind My Ears Dry?

Sometimes the area behind the ear becomes dry This accumulation of dry skin can cause rashes. This problem can be dangerous because we are not able to see behind the ear. This is the reason that is why the skin behind the ear becomes dry and complicated. This problem of dryness leads to itchiness and may lead to infection in a very hazardous ways.

This dryness sometimes leads to continuous scratching. The scratching can cause inflammation of the skin. It makes the dry skin more painful; there are many causes of this accumulated dry skin behind the ear.

According to Duskyskin.com, skin behind the ears can become dry because of skin conditions like Lichen, Rosea, Eczema, contact dermatitis, fungal infections, Seborrheic dermatitis, Granuloma Annulare, rubella, lupus, measles, Lack of use of moisturizer, exposure to sunlight, dehydration, deficiency of vitamins, repeated scrubbing, swimming in a chlorinated pool.

Why is the Skin Behind My Ears Dry?

One of the common questions that I receive is about the dry skin. Many females are concerned about the dry skin behind the ears. In this article, we have explained the reasons that cause dryness. 

Let us get into the details:


It is a problem that is associated with autoimmune disorders. It can cause inflammation of the skin. Mostly it causes skin inflammation behind the ear and around ears.

It creates some other problems as well. Lichen can cause pain, bleeding, and ringing in the ear. This problem can cause itching and redness of the skin.t makes the skin behind the ear miserable.


Rosea is a condition that causes the accumulation of the skin around the air. It creates a pink color rash behind the back of the ear. This rash can cause itching or not. In some people, this kind of problem originates with a sore throat or runny rose.

This problem may be painful in some aspects. The Rosea creates inflammation and then the accumulation of dry skin behind the ear. This condition mostly affects people from the age of ten to thirty-five.


This problem is a condition that can cause accumulation of dry skin behind the ears. It causes itchiness behind the surface of the ears. Eczema generates various symptoms; the symbols are redness of the skin, scaling of the skin, and cracked skin behind the ears. Mostly inflammation occurs at the place where the ear lobe gets connected with the cheek.

Contact Dermatitis can cause dry skin behind the ears

Contact dermatitis usually occurs when the skin gets in touch with something which can cause allergy to the surface. This irritation causing agents creates allergy and irritation. Mostly the skin behind the ear can be affected by these factors. The factors can be perfumes, cosmetics, and some other allergic materials.

Contact dermatitis creates some symptoms which include dryness of skin behind the ear, irritated sin, which turns in red after some time. Sometimes due to dryness of skin and scratching, redness can be generated.

Fungal Infections

Some infections are known as fungal infections. These infections occur due to fungi attack. Due to these infections, a problem originates behind the ear. Sometimes the skin accumulates and makes the skin dry and itchy. It has multiple issues that can occur.

It includes blistering of the skin, burning of the skin, itching of the skin, peeling and scaling of the skin. This problem can cause the dryness behind the ears, and around the ear lobes, ringworm can also cause the itching and dryness behind the back of the ear. It can cause dried accumulation in the form of a ring behind the ear.

Seborrheic dermatitis

This condition is a problem that is associated with scalp.as; it can cause dandruff to the scalp. In some cases, the skin behind the ear becomes affected. It produces yellow circles and dried skin behind the ears. It includes some other symptoms which may be an accumulation of crust, itching and flakes appearance behind the surface of the ear.

Granuloma Annulare

In this problem, red patches may occur behind the skin of the ear. This problem can cause red itchy spots. It can associate with the ringworms like problems. Sometimes the red color rash appears; lumps of the skin may occur.


Rubella is a condition which is also known as German measles. This problem is a viral infection; it can cause rashes and dry skin behind the ear. The rashes can cause red and yellow spots behind the ear. This problem can include multiple symptoms, which may be itching that prolongs for weeks, loss of appetite.


Lupus is an autoimmune disease. It causes the rashes and sore from being developed on the skin and behind the ears. Lupus is a condition that creates dry skin accumulation mostly on those areas of skin, which mainly exposed to the sunlight.

These areas may be arms, face, legs, ears, and neck. This problem can cause a rash behind the ear, and sunlight exposure makes it worse.


Measles is a problem that can cause the inflammation of the skin behind the ear. This problem is a viral infection. This infection can move from severity to be deadly; this condition can affect any person worldwide.

The problem can cause the red patches and blemishes behind the ear; this problem is contagious. It includes many other symptoms like fever and inflammation.

Lack of a moisturizer

A moisturizer is a cream that gives hydration to the skin. We use moisturizers for the skin to provide it with moisture. But mostly we use the moisturizer on the skin areas which we can see through the naked eye.

The area behind the ear is sensitive, which is generally neglected by most of us. This problem causes some issues which may include the clusters of the ear behind the ear. Without a moisturizer, the skin becomes dry and inflamed.

Exposure to sunlight

Due to exposure to the sun, mostly skin becomes dry and rough. The dryness prevails in the areas which mostly exposed to the sunlight. The skin becomes dry to that level that patches create.

These areas include the area behind the ears and neck; the sunshine makes the skin tan and dry. Sunlight causes the darkness of the skin. Sunlight plays a vital role in the dryness of the skin behind the ear.


Dehydration inside the body means a deficiency of water. The hydrated body plays a significant role in making the skin moist and smooth. But when the scarcity of water occurs, the skin becomes dry and rough. The area behind the ear is susceptible, and so the ear lobes are, ear lobes become dehydrated, and there occur a lot of fried skin patches.

Sometimes the accumulation of dry skin occurs behind the ear. This condition makes the skin dry and results and generating a sense of itching. Due to itching and the skin becomes red, and it irritates. This condition led to some serious issues, including skin rashes and itched spots.

Deficiency of vitamins

Sometimes deficiency of vitamins occurs inside the body, and this makes the skin dry and rough. Multiple vitamins can cause the dryness of the skin. These vitamins include vitamin B12, vitamin B3, and vitamin B6. These vitamins mostly play their role in the dryness of the skin. This dryness leads to a problem which is known as dermatitis. It is an itchy problem that causes rashes and itchiness.

Vitamin C deficiency causes itchiness and rough, dry skin. Vitamin A is a vitamin that also plays an essential role in giving moisture to the surface, but with the deficiency of vitamin A, the skin becomes dry.

Ears and areas behind the ear are some of the most sensitive areas of the human body. The weakness of these vitamins causes the dryness of the city behind the space. This dryness leads to dull and dry skin.

Frequent scrubbing

If anyone does the scrubbing, again and again, it makes the skin pores drier. The skin becomes dry and itchy sometimes. Scrubbers are at different times. At the time of the procedure, the skin becomes moist. But with the scrubbing, the skin becomes dry.

During cleansing, the fingers move in the direction that fingers touch behind the surface of the ear. This condition may result in the dryness of the skin. This condition can cause itching after scratching. The only solution to this problem is the slowing down of scrubbing. Do not scrub the face and ears again and again.

Swimming in a chlorinated pool

Some people like swimming. It is sometimes a habit of most people to swim daily. The people choose the pool water to swim. The water of the pool contains chlorine in it. Chlorine makes the skin dry and itchy. The reason behind this is, chlorine plays a significant role in removing the skin, and chlorine removes the protective layer of sebum.

This layer keeps the skin moist. After the removal of this skin layer, the skin becomes dry and itchy. People with sensitive skin not only get dry skin as a result but also receives the rashes and redness. The area behind the area gets itchy and red. To solve this problem, people who swim a lot should prevent their self from chlorinating water in the pool.

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