How do I get rid of whiteheads under my lips?
Lips perform many functions for us. They are the most important and prominent part of our face. Our lips need to be clean and pink. The area around our lips also should be free from any kind of spots or any whitehead or blackheads. Whiteheads appear when pores become clogged with dirt dead cells and sebum. Whiteheads are covered with a layer of skin; that’s why they appear white.
According to, you can remove whiteheads under your lips by using aloe vera gel, sugar scrub, honey, witch hazel paste, tea tree oil, baking soda, and toothpaste.
Whiteheads under lips are caused by many factors like cleaning habits, lifestyle dietary habits, menstrual genetics problems, and hormonal imbalance. Whiteheads can be very annoying and cause uneven skin, especially around lips. Whiteheads can be treated very easily at home. You can quickly get rid of all whiteheads under lips by using simple remedies.
How do I get rid of whiteheads under my lips?
Removing whiteheads under your lips is not a difficult task. You can easily get rid of all these nasty whiteheads by using some ingredients present in your kitchen cabinet. Here are some remedies to treat whiteheads under your lips at home. I hope that these remedies will be helpful in getting rid of all whiteheads.
Aloe Vera gel
Aloe Vera gel is a wonderful ingredient to treat whiteheads under your lips. Aloe Vera gel, due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, effectively removes all the white head under your lips.
Aloe vera gel, when extracted from aloe Vera plant, can be applied directly on whiteheads under your lips and leave it overnight for better removal of whiteheads.
You can also make a paste of aloe vera gel with some citrus juices like lemon; both these ingredients, when combined, give instant relief from whiteheads. This paste is made by combining one 1table spoon of aloe Vera gel and a half tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on your whiteheads under your lips and leave it for ten to twenty minutes. Then wash it with lukewarm water.
Honey is another ingredient that gives us instant relief from whiteheads under our lips. Honey has excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Honey work against bacterial action in whiteheads. Honey can be applied alone on whiteheads under lips.
Take about half a tablespoon of honey and heat it for a few seconds. After this, apply it on whiteheads with some spatula. Leave it there for some time, and the massage the area under our lips gently for ten to twenty minutes. Wash it with lukewarm water. Apply this paste twice weekly for better results.
Facial is an ideal procedure to remove whiteheads under lips. Facial can remove all stubborn whiteheads under your lips. Facial consists of many steps, like cleansing and scrubbing. Both these steps effectively remove all the whiteheads. Facial steam also plays an important role in whitehead removal under lips. For cleansing, use any type of cleanser according to your skin type.
For steam, you can keep warm towels on whiteheads, or you can directly apply steam on whiteheads. All these steps remove all dirt and oil from pores and remove all the whiteheads under lips. Keep in mind that steam should not be too hot; otherwise, it will burn your face.
Use Baking soda to remove whiteheads under your lips
Baking soda due to its defoliant characteristics is very commonly used to treat whiteheads under lips. The baking soda is applied as a paste on whiteheads/The paste is formed by mixing it with a little amount of water. The paste is then applied to whiteheads.
Leave it overnight on whiteheads. This step enables baking soda to deeply cleanse the pores and remove all dirt and oils from pores. Apply this paste daily on whiteheads under lips to remove all the whiteheads.
Witch hazel paste
Witch hazel is a plant that is excellent for treating whiteheads under lips. It works as an astringent. You can apply it by making its paste. Firstly crush some leaves of witch hazel and then mix it with some essential oils. Then apply it on whiteheads. Leave the paste for twenty minutes until completely dry. After this, wash the paste with lukewarm water.
You can also make witch hazel toner for treating whiteheads. For making a toner boil some leaves of witch hazel in water. Let it simmer that all necessary constituents are released into the water. Apply this extract every night on whiteheads and leave it overnight for treating whiteheads under lips.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is very effective in removing whiteheads under lips. Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties due to which it is an excellent ingredient in removing whiteheads. Tea tree oil also has astringent properties.
Apply tea tree oil directly on whiteheads and massage it for some time. Then leave it there overnight so that it can treat whiteheads and deeply cleanse pores. Apply it daily on whiteheads under lips for better and instant results.
Turmeric paste
Turmeric powder has healing power, and it is an excellent antiseptic. It can effectively treat inflammation and anti-bacterial actions. Turmeric paste is made by mixing it with water, or you can add some fresh milk or honey.
Thoroughly mix all ingredients until a paste is formed. Then apply this paste on whiteheads under lips. Leave this paste for twenty minutes. Apply this paste daily on affected areas.
Egg white
Egg white is full of constituents that deeply cleanse our pores. They play an important role in removing dirt impurities and oils. For egg white mask, take an egg. Then separate the egg white and whisk it thoroughly with the help of some whisk.
Then apply it on whiteheads with the help of the brush. Leave it there for twenty minutes until completely dry. Then wash it with lukewarm water. Apply this egg white paste daily on whiteheads for better and visible results.
Sugar scrub
Sugar exfoliates our skin and removes all whiteheads under our lips. Sugar scrub is also effective in opening clogged pores. To make sugar scrub mix some quantity of sugar in honey and some drops of lemon juice.
Mix all these ingredients and scrub areas under our lips for some time. Then wash it with lukewarm water. Use this twice a week for the effective removal of whiteheads.
Toothpaste is also very helpful in removing whiteheads under lips. Just apply a thin layer of toothpaste under lips and leave it for twenty minutes. Then remove it with water. Apply this daily on the affected area for better results.
Tips to prevent whiteheads under lips
Here are some tips you can follow to prevent the recurrence of whiteheads under lips.
Wash your face two to three times a day to remove all dirt and oil from the face.
Use rose water on a regular basis to prevent the appearance of whiteheads under lips.
Do not forget to use a moisturizer on a regular basis to prevent whiteheads under lips.
Drink plenty of water, eat fresh vegetables and fruits.
Use some good cleanser or exfoliator on a daily basis and use products having noncomedogenic properties to prevent the opening of pores.
Do not try to pop the whiteheads because they can further complicate the situation.
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